Officer Lauren Connell

The University of Arizona Police Department

Tucson, Arizona

What motivates you to succeed?

My daughter. Since she was old enough to recognize what it was that I do for a living, she’s always been very excited about my career and proud of what I do.

What’s your most memorable moment on the job?

It’s hard to select just one moment out of over 13 years of work. I have a lot of very fond memories on the job. Being selected to the K9 had been a career-long goal, and to achieve it was one of my proudest moments.

What challenges have you faced?

I think the change over the last several years, especially over the last year, in the public perception of police has been very challenging. I am surrounded by officers who step up and go above and beyond and treat people with the utmost respect, and to watch not only myself, but all of them be negatively judged based on what someone sees in the media, it’s disheartening.

What advice do you have for women considering this profession?

Have a healthy hobby outside of work. There will be calls and situations and people that will challenge you mentally, physically and emotionally. Having a healthy outlet to decompress is so important to maintaining good mental and physical health.

How we’re changing policing

The 30×30 Initiative is a coalition of police leaders, researchers, and professional organizations who have joined together to advance the representation and experiences of women in all ranks of policing across the United States.

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